In the fifth century Christianity became popular in Ireland but the Druids were sceptic about Christianity, and it seems that St Brigid created a bridge from being a Druidess to a Christian Saint. She was born of a slave and a Nobleman and she was born on the threshold
The Birth of St Brigid is a very important event and very significant to gap the divide between the Druids and the Church. St Brigid played a very important role in the transformation of Ireland that was ruled by the DRUIDS to change into a Christian community
The birth of St Brigid gapped the divide and brought the Druids into Christianity as there was so much in common with the two world views. St Brigid was born of a slave girl to depict her humility and solidarity with the poor and destitute. Not being the child of a king also made her nonviolent not a warrior or fighter bur rather somebody who would bring the morality and lifestyle of Jesus Christ to be goodhearted, friendly, supportive, and caring.